HILT hosts quarter Info Exchange forums because of what we heard from you. We heard educators feel unable to assess program needs and priorities; healthcare providers feel nervous about what they do and don’t know about critical jobs and talent; clinical education directors feel paralyzed in the middle. HILT has responded by coordinating and facilitating a virtual Information Exchange that digs into:

  1. What do educational institutions need from healthcare organizations right now;

  2. What do healthcare organizations know about their talent needs; and

  3. How can both work together to ensure the pipeline of healthcare professionals aligns with the region’s needs.


winter 2022

This information exchange featured speakers from education and industry, each sharing how new healthcare graduates learn skills in culture competency as they enter the workforce. With 29.5% of King County residents speaking a language other than English at home, which is why it’s critical that healthcare professionals deliver care with that in mind. Several organizations resonated with shifting the focus from cultural competency to cultural humility – which focuses on incorporating a life-long commitment to learning and critical self-reflection, recognizing and challenging power imbalances for respectful partnerships.

Key Takeaways: Neither Higher Education nor Industry can do this alone

  • There is no one fit’s all approach. We must expose students to multiple learning opportunities in school, and on the job, once they’re employed.

  • Cultural humility can’t be taught once, educators and industry must partner to continue to equip healthcare staff with these skills. Healthcare facilities need to engage in regular, dynamic conversations of culture and community and embrace these concepts organization-wide.

  • It’s challenging to recruit professors that are culturally aware, and skilled to teach the subject and to ensure students retain the knowledge.

  • Although educators often teach cultural “competency” embedded throughout the curriculum via case studies, incorporating cultural concepts in simulations, and tying in students’ own cultural experiences through group discussions.




  1. Preceptor training is useful for our healthcare partners

  2. Education does not have the capacity to market for certain allied health occupations. Healthcare’s support (information and investment are needed!

  3. HILT’s Student Experience Package (annual career exploration event, mentorship program, career videos, and Speaker’s Bureau) will be central to sharing the opportunities of being a healthcare technician (perioperative - surgical/anesthesia, radiology, or pharmacy).

  4. Embedding racial equity needs to be a central component in healthcare hiring, skill set expectations, and job descriptions. The HILT network has been working to elevate and scale organizational best practices as well as the efforts of K-12 and post-secondary partners to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce.



The full notes from the amazing conversation between our healthcare industry leaders and post-secondary partners that centered around nursing needs can be found here.

BIG TAKEAWAYS: Must have a bias towards action!

  • Let’s get the 70+ HILT orgs into the nursing schools to talk with students.

  • Advocacy muscle: we need more students to be accepted into nursing school, which means more faculty!

    • Faculty and for students/students of color

  • Map out of the nursing pipeline in our region

    • From middle school to post-secondary and BSN levels of engagement and training

    • There are doors and pathways for the transitioning career/non-traditional pathway individual.



FALL 2020

Thanks to industry and education partners who spent time sharing the implications that the global pandemic has had on industry talent needs, healthcare education challenges, and ways to tackle clinical placements and delayed healthcare credential/degree graduations. We are excited to continue these conversations on a quarterly basis as both our industry partner and education partners felt this meeting was crucial to breaking down barriers and communication walls.




Fall 2021

Thanks to industry partners who spent time sharing the current status on vaccine education and distribution as well as our amazing education partners who shared great ideas around partnerships to assist in vaccine education and distribution.

There is interest in having students work with industry sites about helping with vaccine education, outreach, as well as distribution/shots.



We heard educators feel unable to assess program needs and priorities; healthcare providers feel nervous about what they do and don't know about critical job...